Priyanka Chopra was spotted recently at a press conference where she spoke on her comment of getting cornered in Bollywood.
She said that at this point of time in her life she’s confident enough to speak about what she’s moved on with.

Recently, Madhu Chopra was asked to share about the time when PC had won Miss India.
She said,” Priyanka wanted to go for Miss India, which ignited a lot of drama in our house. That she is so good in studies, why are you distracting her?”

She added,”Even Priyanka was in doubts, so I sat her down and told her to give it a shot, school is always there to return back to. But this opportunity might not come again.”
She continued saying,” I always said this one line to her that if you consider yourself to be a quarter of a rupee then the world will consider you the same.”

Madhu Chopra made a statement saying,”So become a rupee, behave like a rupee and the world will follow”