After all the rucuss that has been created in the personal life of Rakhi Sawant and Adil Khan Durrani, finally Viralbollywood had a talk with Adil over this.
Adil was spotted at an iPhone store in Mumbai. After he came out, a reporter from Viralbollywood asked Adil’s reaction on Rakhi’s allegations.

Adil gave his take on the entire issues and said,” Rakhi is angry and I need to mollify her.”
He added,” I need to tell her that let the personal rifts be settled in the domestic sphere only as the nation can’t do anything.”

He even said,” There’s no issues of talking personal matters outside. The time that she spents with media, if she gives that to me all the problems will be solved.”
He also informed saying,” Right now she’s called me to Academy and I’m going there for her.”

He also told our sources that even this morning he had dropped her to the gym.
Since he was spotted at the Mobile shop, so on being asked that if was there to take gifts for Rakhi, Adil responded,” No I came here for my own work. I already gifted Rakhi, how many gifts should I give her now!”

Later he added,” No issues, I’ll gift her again.”
Talking about allegations of mocking Rakhi over social media comments Adil said,” Rakhi reads these comments, I have said nothing. The way people comment on her posts, similarly they do on mine. Who gives others the chance to make fun , it’s us not you, so we shouldn’t give them the opportunity to make fun of.”

Later, Adil folded hands to Rakhi and pleaded to sort things out privately.