To play such an iconic character, the prep is extremely important.
Aditi Rao Hydari gave her take on it,” I think my prep mainly stemmed from various sessions with Ron and the writers. In that way I found it really amazing because they were so collaborative and so inclusive”

” They really sat with me and chatted with me a lot because Anarkali for sure she’s an epic character as we know her but in her time and in her story, she’s just a young girl who’s going through whatever she’s going through”, says Aditi.
She revealed,” I think they took into consideration a lot of that and so they let me speak, let me talk, let me say what’s on my mind and I think it was culmination of all of that.”
She added,” I literally approached it like that, I just listened to what they said. They even listened to me and we worked at it together.”

Aditi refrained from speaking the surprising facts about her character.
She said,” I think I just don’t want to say it just now because I think when the show comes out, it’s best left for the audience to discover that themselves.”
She added,” But for me as an actor, I’ll tell you like on a set whatever it is when we read a script or we discuss it with director, there are many things that happen.”

She elaborated saying,” but once when you come to set and then when you’ve your co-star in front of you and I had for most part of it, Naseer sir and Ashim.”
” Things change because we are also responding to actors is true. So how he’s interpreting Akbar will also determine how I respond to him as Anarkali and so with Saleem as I think whatever prep you do, when you come on set it’s really impossible to just be a sponge and to listen to the person in front of you and to respond to them.”