Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio, directed by del Toro and stop-motion vet Mark Gustafson for Netflix, won the Golden Globe for best animated feature, a first in the category for a streaming service.
Taking the stage, del Toro enthused how happy he was being back at the event.
After winning the Golden Globe for Animated Film for his ‘Pinocchio’, the two-time Oscar winner Guillermo Del Toro was asked backstage if he had any concerns about the state of moviegoing.

Del Toro’s horror epic ‘Nightmare Alley’, which was nominated for four Oscars, grossed just over $11 million at the domestic box office last year.
The filmmaker recently shared how ‘Pinocchio’ was rejected by every major motion picture studio over the last 10 years before the streamer bet on it, reports.
Del Toro expressed a practical confidence about the future of cinema.